Head4Work: Account details Head4Work: Account details

Check your workplace mental health safety

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* Register to setup user accounts for you and all your employees

We all need a mentally healthy and safe workplace

Creating a mentally healthy workplace is everyone’s job. Head4Work is an online training tool that will help workers, supervisors and managers know how they can reduce workplace mental health risks and support themselves and their co-workers when concerns about mental health arise.

Now, more than ever, we need to be aware of our own mental health and to look out for signs of distress among those we work with. Head4Work is simple to use and requires no prior knowledge of workplace mental health. It will quickly identify the skills and knowledge you need and provide short videos and checklists to assist your learning. Head4Work can be done anytime and on any device including your mobile phone.

Available 24/7 with over 40 videos and 100 checkpoints it’s a great workplace mental health information resource to have on hand all year round.

Show me how it works

Register Business

Register to setup user accounts for you and all your employees.

3 easy steps to improving workplace mental health

Step 1: Know what you don't know

By completing the interactive quizzes you will identify any skills or knowledge gaps you might have about workplace mental health.

Step 2: Personalised learning

We can then point you to our extensive range of videos, checklists and links specific to what you need to know.

Step 3: Resit only the questions you missed

After getting feedback about any questions you may have answered incorrectly, you will have the opportunity to test your knowledge of these areas again.

Get a snapshot of your organisation's risk profile

Once Head4Work is completed by your staff, managers can access a report that provides a detailed understanding of where critical shortfalls in workplace mental health safety may exist within your organisation. This data provides each participating organisation with a tailored evidence based approach to identifying and addressing workplace mental health risks.

Help us to help you

By completing Head4Work you are helping to provide a snapshot of workplace mental health in Australia that can be used to inform future state and national initiatives based on demonstrated need.

Who are we?

Head4Work is a proprietary product of Roar Educate and developed in consultation with Pracademia and in partnership with the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry through their WHS Advisory Service funded by WorkCover Tasmania.

Roar Educate

Providing highly effective online education and training for 20 years worldwide


Workplace mental health expert advice, strategy, evaluation and training

WorkCover Tasmania

Promoting the prevention of injuries and disease in workplaces

Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Supporting Tasmanian business to thrive


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Your privacy is important to us too

Our full privacy and terms and conditions policies are available below and on the Head4Work web application. But in plain language, all data used will be consolidated and anonymous for statistical reporting purposes only.

These consolidated data reports will be used by government and non-government organisations for the sole purpose of improving mental health service provision and strategies. No personally identifying or business identifying data will be shared with third parties.

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